
The 731 kilometer (454 miles) land boundary between Colombia and Ecuador was delimited through three primary agreements. A 1916 Agreement first defined a boundary between the two States, the western part of which is still in effect. In 1922, Colombia and Peru delimited their border which overlapped with and voided the eastern part of the 1916 Agreement. The Ecuadorian–Peruvian Protocol of 1942 transferred land between the two States and defined their tripoint with Colombia as a point along the 1922 boundary. The land border west of the tripoint would follow the 1922 Agreement and become the boundary between Ecuador and Colombia.

The entirety of the boundary was demarcated by a joint demarcation commission from 1917 to 1918. Adjustments were made to the delimitation for almost the entirety of the boundary.

The boundary mainly follows rivers and watersheds. There were significant conflicts between Colombia and Ecuador following their independence from Spain and some tensions in the recent past. However, the two countries currently have positive relations.

Map showing the land boundary between Colombia and Ecuador

Colombia and Ecuador also have an established maritime boundary.


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