
The maritime boundary between Norway and Sweden was originally formulated by virtue of an agreement dating from 1661. It defined a maritime frontier extending from the land boundary terminus in the Iddefjord and continuing seaward into the Svinesund, before ending in the Skagerrak, a straight that connects the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. The location of the 1661 territorial sea boundary was clarified by the work of an 1897 boundary commission and a 1909 tribunal. The continental shelf boundary was later delimited by an agreement reached in 1968, which used a simplified equidistance line plotted from the straight baselines of the two States. The continental shelf boundary terminated at a tripoint that was equidistant from Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. The current day boundary is 80 nautical miles in length. 

Map showing the maritime boundary between Norway and Sweden

Norway and Sweden also share a land boundary.

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