Guinea–Sierra Leone

The boundary between Guinea and Sierra Leone was established by France and the United Kingdom through a series of agreements between 1882 and 1913. Extending for 817 km from the Atlantic Ocean to the tripoint with Liberia, the border follows rivers for nearly half of its length. Some of the river sections follow the thalweg of the river, while others follow riverbanks. The non-riverine sections of the boundary were demarcated with pillars by Anglo–French commissions shortly after their initial delimitation. In 1999, disagreement over the location of the bank of the Moa/Makona River near the tripoint with Liberia led to the Guinean occupation of a small area of land on the Sierra Leonean side of the river, near the village of Yenga. Although the two countries agreed that the area belonged to Sierra Leone in 2005, Guinea did not completely withdraw from the territory until 2013.

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